South America

Парагвай: помощь украинцам


3 May | 2023
Learn everything you need to know about your stay in Paraguay. From reception and support to employment, housing and education. Be a step away from detailed information about childcare, health care and mental wellbeing. Choose the best language courses and…
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Перу: помощь украинцам


3 May | 2023
Are you planning to come to Peru from Ukraine? We have collected all the necessary information for you to make your stay as comfortable and carefree as possible. Here you will find useful information about the reception procedure, as well…
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Суринам: помощь украинцам. Суринам: допомога українцям


29 Apr | 2023
Are you planning to move to Suriname from Ukraine? We have everything you need to know. Our informative guide will provide you with useful information about entering the country, including reception procedures, special features for children and pets. You will…
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Уругвай: помощь украинцам. Уругвай: допомога українцям


29 Apr | 2023
Uruguay: Get all the necessary information for a comfortable move from Ukraine. With our detailed guide, you will know about the arrival procedure, the peculiarities of unaccompanied children, employment conditions, the possibility of providing housing, access to quality education and…
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Венесуэла: помощь украинцам. Венесуела


3 May | 2023
Congratulations to Ukrainian citizens arriving in Venezuela! Regardless of the purpose of your stay, we will do our best to ensure your comfort and safety. Our information and support covers a wide range of issues, from admissions and employment to…
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