Single mother (father) of Ukraine

Additional leave for employees who have children or an adult child with a disability

24 Feb | 2023
Additional leave for workers who have children or an adult child with a disability is one of the state's social measures aimed at protecting the rights and interests of workers and their children. In order to understand the details of…
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Child support for single mothers

24 Feb | 2023
Child support for single mothers is an important issue of Ukrainian social policy. In order to ensure the rights of children and their mothers to state assistance, there is a regulatory framework in Ukraine that defines the rights and obligations…
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Dismissal at the initiative of the employer: liquidation of the enterprise (institution, organization)

24 Feb | 2023
Dismissal at the initiative of the employer is a difficult topic for many employees and employers. This especially applies to the situation when the enterprise, institution or organization is liquidated. In such cases, the employer may dismiss the employee at…
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Exemption of graduates of medical universities from compulsory training

24 Feb | 2023
Exemption of graduates of medical universities from compulsory training" is a relevant topic in Ukraine, because depending on the regulatory framework that determines the procedure for employment of graduates of medical universities, changes may be introduced to the process of…
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