Акуліна Маргарита Сергіївна - юрист України, юрист-міжнародник Іспанії та України, дипломат

Akulina Margarita

International lawyer, diplomat, public figure

Akulina Margarita: International lawyer, diplomat, public figure in Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos”

Your reliable partner in matters of international law and diplomacy

Akulina Margarita is committed to the protection of human rights, the application of international law and the promotion of gender equality. Her education and skills make her an indispensable companion in any legal matter you may encounter.

She offers her clients a unique combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, including an understanding of domestic politics and the international diplomatic context. She highly values an open and honest dialogue with her clients, helping them navigate complex legal issues.

“My mission is to use my experience and knowledge to protect and strengthen human rights at all levels. My voice is my legal tool against injustice and injustice.” – Akulina Margarita

Book your appointment

Do you need an experienced international lawyer to explain your rights? Are you looking for advice on international relations or diplomacy? Do not hesitate, book your consultation with Akulina Margarita today. She looks forward to the opportunity to resolve your legal issues and help you better understand your rights and responsibilities.

Akulina Margarita: Against the war in Ukraine and Putinism

Akulina condemns the war in Ukraine, which is caused by the actions of the Russian Federation and Putinism in the modern world. She believes that every person has the right to a peaceful life without fear and violence. She pays special attention to the protection of the rights of Ukrainians who have become victims of the conflict.

“There is nothing more important than peace and the dignity of every human being. We must all oppose war and violence, which only bring destruction and suffering.” – Akulina Margarita

Remember that your rights are your voice. And Akulina Margarita is ready to help you use this voice for your needs.

Education of Akulina Margarita

National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Specialization: “Jurisprudence”.

Institute Europeo Campus Stellae, Spain

Received Máster en Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Exteriores e Internacionales.

TEC University of Technology, Spain

Master’s Degree in Computer Law, Personal Data Protection, Computer Crimes Against Property and People, Cyber Security.

Cambridge Law Studio, United Kingdom (UK)

Akulina continues to improve her skills by studying at the “Contracts, Cases and the Common law” course.

Advanced training courses for international lawyers, diplomats, public figures

They helped me expand my knowledge and skills in the field of international law, diplomacy, protection of migrants’ rights and work with the European Union. Courses are presented by renowned institutions such as SOAS University of London, the Academy of European Law and the British Legal Centre.

  • Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World, organized by SOAS University of London, UK.
  • Protection of Migrant Workers in Irregular Situation in Europe, organized by the Academy of European Law.
  • Annual Conference on EU Border Management 2022, organized by the Academy of European Law.
  • Annual Conference on European Asylum and Migration Law 2022, organized by the Academy of European Law.
  • Criminal Law and Human Rights: Recent ECtHR Case Law, organized by the Academy of European Law.
  • Legal English skills, organized by the British Legal Centre, UK.

Membership of an international lawyer, diplomat, public figure

In Spain:

  • Permanent member of the “Con Ukraina” Association.
  • Member of the human rights organization “Iuris International” with a focus on the protection of people’s rights in the migration situation.
  • In 2022, she participated as a lawyer speaker at the Madrid International Conference on the Protection of Ukrainians in Spain, in accordance with EU Directive No. 2022/320/EU dated March 4, 2022.

In Ukraine:

  • Current member of the Committee on International and Migration Law of the “Association of Lawyers of Ukraine”.
  • Active member of the Ukrainian Association of International Law.

At the international level:

  • Member as an international lawyer in “International Bar Association”, a union of international practicing lawyers.
  • Member as an international student in “The Law Society” of England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • Member of the World Jurist Association.


Labour and social activities of Akulina Margarita

Employment activity:

  • Expert lawyer in international humanitarian law on temporary protection of Ukrainians, human and women’s rights. Applies international private/public law and diplomacy working on international protection of children’s rights as well as gender equality, Despacho Internacional Intereses legítimos, Spain, starting from 2022.
  • Expert lawyer on migration law in Spain for interaction with the department of foreigners for obtaining all types of visas and extension of residence. ТОВ Реалізація законного права, Ukraine, 2019-2022
  • Legal consultant on work with citizens on civil, inheritance, family, contract law of Ukraine, State Notary Office of Kyiv, Ukraine, 2012-2019.

Social activity:

Actively deals with issues of gender equality, protection of human rights, migration and international diplomacy at the public level.

List of languages spoken by Akulina Margarita

  • Russian language
  • Spanish language
  • Ukrainian language
  • English language
  • German language
  • French language


Participation in an informational conference in Madrid

Watch the entry on YouTube – https://youtu.be/qxIwSQSnobg

On June 29 at 18.00 in the capital of Spain – Madrid, I had the opportunity to participate as a lawyer in the information conference “Rights and responsibilities of Ukrainian immigrants in Spain”. The organizers of this important event were Perez-Lorka and the “With Ukraine” Association, with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine in Spain and the Madrid Bar Association. My speakers at this event were professionals such as Lilia Mykolaiv, Darya Kvasnevska, Margarita Akulina, Oksana Levytska, Lilia Shala and Jose Suarez. Péyerezllorca’s Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, Isabel Jimenez, was also represented at the conference.

The significance of the event for me and the Ukrainian community in Spain

This conference was not only a significant event for me, but also important for the Ukrainian community in Spain. It gave me the opportunity to share my experience and knowledge in the field of immigration and international law, which helped the participants, especially in relation to child protection, to better understand their rights and responsibilities in Spain.

Scientific and professional development

Participation in such events allows me to develop my profession, in particular in the field of protecting the rights of migrants. My ability to collaborate with other professionals and organizations is key to achieving common goals. High-quality and clear presentation of complex legal concepts is an important skill that I regularly use in my legal practice.

Do you have any questions? Book an online appointment