Child support for single mothers is an important issue of Ukrainian social policy. In order to ensure the rights of children and their mothers to state assistance, there is a regulatory framework in Ukraine that defines the rights and obligations of the parties in the process of assigning and paying assistance.
Regulatory framework
- The Law of Ukraine “On State Assistance to Families with Children” is the main document that regulates the assignment and payment of child support. This law defines the rights and obligations of the parties, the procedure for the appointment and payment of assistance, as well as the list of necessary documents.
- Persons entitled to assistance According to the Law of Ukraine “On State Assistance to Families with Children”, families in which children are raised under the age of 18, or up to 23 years in the case of schooling, are entitled to assistance full-time course of a higher educational institution. One of the categories of families entitled to assistance are single mothers.
- Grounds for the termination of aid payments The grounds for the termination of aid payments are determined by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12.27.2001 No. 1751 “On approval of the Procedure for the appointment and payment of state aid to families with children”. This resolution specifies that the payment of assistance may be terminated in the event of a change in the circumstances that affect the right to assistance, as well as in the event of a violation of the conditions on which the assistance was assigned.
Where to apply
You can contact the local center for the provision of social services or the department of social protection of the population of the executive body of the city or district state administration, where the place of residence of the mother and children is located, for assistance.
Amount of aid
The amount of assistance is determined in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 07.22.2020 No. 632 “Some issues of payment of state social assistance”. According to this resolution, the amount of benefit per child is UAH 522 per month.
List of required documents
The list of necessary documents for the assignment of assistance is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine dated April 21, 2015 No. 441 “On approval of the form of the Application for the assignment of all types of social assistance, compensation and benefits.” The list includes the passport of a citizen of Ukraine, birth certificate of children, certificates of income and property, as well as other documents.
Terms for consideration of the issue
The terms of consideration of the issue of assistance are determined by the local center for the provision of social services or the department of social protection of the population of the executive body of the city, district state administration. According to the legislation, the decision on the assignment of assistance must be made no later than 15 calendar days from the date of submission of the application.
Grounds for refusal
Grounds for refusal to grant aid are determined in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On State Aid to Families with Children”. Such grounds may include inaccurate information provided by the mother about income and property, failure to submit the necessary documents, violation of the conditions on which assistance was assigned, change of circumstances affecting the right to assistance, or non-compliance with the criteria provided for by law.
Appeal procedure (out-of-court and judicial procedure)
The procedure for appealing a decision on refusal to grant aid is predated
there is the possibility of out-of-court and judicial appeal. The out-of-court procedure consists in submitting an application for review of the decision to the head of the institution that rejected the application for assistance. In case of disagreement with the decision during an out-of-court appeal, an appeal can be filed with the relevant body. The judicial procedure provides for filing a lawsuit in court with the purpose of challenging the decision.
Legal, economic, cultural features of Ukrainians
Ukraine is a country with a developed social policy and assistance to the population, but there are differences in economic, social and cultural development between different regions of the country. This may affect the implementation of child benefit for single mothers, in particular, its purpose and amount.
For example, in low-income areas of Ukraine, where salaries are significantly lower, there may be a greater number of single mothers who need child support. Also, such regions may have more difficult living conditions, which can affect the health of children and mothers, and in turn, affect the purpose and amount of assistance.
In addition, the cultural characteristics of different regions of Ukraine can influence the perception of assistance by the population. For example, in some regions there may be a different understanding of what child support for single mothers is, or certain traditions that may influence the decision to apply for support.
These differences can lead to difficulties in the implementation of aid programs, as well as to uneven distribution of aid between different regions. It is important to take these features into account when making decisions regarding assistance and development of social programs in Ukraine.
For example, one of the funny examples related to this topic can be a story with a client who applied for help for children of single mothers, but due to the incorrect amount of income, his application was rejected. During the check, it turned out that the cause of the error was the incorrect transcription of Ukrainian letters in the registration document, due to which the income was inaccurately indicated. After the error was corrected, the client received help, and the firm’s lawyers decided to take this case into account when preparing similar statements.
Another example is related to the cultural characteristics of different regions. In one of the low-income villages in the west of Ukraine, an information campaign was held to popularize child support programs for single mothers. However, due to the traditions of the village, most mothers believed that asking for help was a sign of weakness and inability to care for children on their own. Lawyers who conducted the campaign decided to change their approach and started holding meetings and consultations with local residents, where they explained that help is not contempt for oneself, but an opportunity to provide decent living conditions for one’s children.
Thus, when developing social programs and assigning child support to single mothers, it is important to take into account the various features of regions and cultural differences throughout the country. This will make it possible to ensure a more even and effective distribution of aid and meet the needs of different categories of the population. It is also important to regularly update the regulatory framework and bring it into line with the modern needs of society.
For example, with the aim of increasing social guarantees for certain categories of persons, Law U was adopted
of the country dated June 2, 2020 No. 646-IX “On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine Regarding Increasing Social Guarantees for Certain Categories of Persons”. This law provides for an increase in child benefits for single mothers and other social benefits.
It is also important to remember the availability and convenience of receiving help. In particular, today, many social services and assistance can be obtained with the help of electronic services, which allows you to significantly save time and effort in obtaining assistance.
Therefore, child support for single mothers is an important social program that provides support for mothers who are raising children on their own. In order to receive assistance, it is necessary to take into account the regulatory framework and comply with the established requirements, as well as take into account the regional and cultural characteristics of the country. It is possible to apply for help at the local center for the provision of social services, as well as through electronic services.
Four funny judicial examples from the lives of clients
One such example is the story of a client who asked the firm to help him get help for a child who had already left school and started college. After reviewing the application and checking the documents, it was found that the client provided incorrect information regarding the age of his child. In fact, the child was already an adult and was not entitled to child support for single mothers.
Another funny example is related to a client who submitted documents with false information about his income, which was much lower than the real one. During communication with lawyers, this client explained that he did this with the intention of saving money on taxation. However, this action became the reason for the refusal to grant assistance.
Another client who sought help was a woman with three children who said she was in dire financial straits. When checking the application and documents provided by the client, it turned out that she rented out an apartment and received good income. Because she provided inaccurate information about her financial situation, she was denied assistance.
Thus, these funny examples show that when applying for child support for single mothers, it is important to be truthful and provide correct information about your situation and income. Any inaccurate data may lead to the refusal of assistance.
In addition, these examples show how important it is to comply with the regulatory framework and requirements that are established for receiving assistance. Lawyers and social workers must be careful and carefully review all documents and information provided by clients.
Finally, these examples can also be useful in explaining to clients how to properly prepare documents and provide truthful information about their situation. This can help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that single mothers are successful in receiving child benefit.
Therefore, when applying for help for children to single mothers, it is important to comply with the regulatory framework, provide truthful information and comply with the established requirements.
Child support for single mothers during the war in Ukraine
This section is especially relevant in view of the events of recent years.
According to the legislation of Ukraine, in the event of an escalation of hostilities on the territory of the country, there is a special procedure for the appointment and payment of child support to single mothers.
In particular, to receive child support for single mothers during the war, it is necessary to provide the following documents:
- Application for child support for single mothers;
- A copy of the passport of the mother and her children;
- Copy of children’s birth certificate;
- A certificate from the place of residence about the composition of the family;
- Certificate on family income and property.
Please note that during the war in Ukraine, child support for single mothers can be provided not only for women who are officially registered as single mothers, but also for families where the father is at the front or died as a result of military operations.
Also, it is important to note that, if necessary, child support for single mothers can be assigned quickly and without long waits for the application to be considered. In this case, clients can get help immediately and submit documents later.
Therefore, child support for single mothers during the war in Ukraine is an important means of social support for families.
Where can you apply for child support for single mothers and how can it be done quickly and conveniently
One of the options is to contact Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” – a law firm that specializes in providing legal assistance and consultations in Ukraine. Clients can make an appointment with a lawyer and get all the necessary help and advice on obtaining child support for single mothers.
It is important to note that all services are provided remotely, which saves the client’s time and ensures data confidentiality. Lawyers from Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” provide their clients with a sense of security, confidence in the future, stability in their lives and the lives of their families.
Also, it is important to note that Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” provides legal assistance not only in obtaining child support for single mothers, but also in many other areas of law, which allows clients to receive comprehensive assistance and advice in all matters related to legal sphere
Therefore, in order to receive child support for single mothers, clients can turn to the Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” law firm, which will allow them to receive quality and professional assistance in this matter.