Exemption of graduates of medical universities from compulsory training

Exemption of graduates of medical universities from compulsory training” is a relevant topic in Ukraine, because depending on the regulatory framework that determines the procedure for employment of graduates of medical universities, changes may be introduced to the process of employment of medical specialists. In order to understand this topic and raising awareness of the need for changes in the regulatory framework, consider each of the sections:

Regulatory base:

  • The Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which defines the main principles of higher education in Ukraine and the rules for admission to higher educational institutions;
  • The procedure for employment of graduates of state higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions, the training of which was carried out under a state order, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated December 25, 1997 No. 367;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated August 11, 2022 No. 1452 “Recognizing as invalid the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated December 25, 1997 No. 367”.

General information

Ukraine is a country where the norms of mandatory post-graduate internships have remained since the Soviet era. This means that graduates of medical universities must carry out mandatory practice from 6 to 24 months, depending on the specialty. However, many graduates faced the problem of inconvenience in carrying out practice due to low pay, lack of decent housing and other factors. Also, the salary of a young doctor in Ukraine is not adequate for his qualifications, which leads to a mass outflow of medical specialists abroad.

Dismissal procedure

The procedure for exempting graduates of medical universities from compulsory training (for agreements on the training of specialists with higher education, concluded before the expiry of the Procedure for the employment of graduates of higher educational institutions, the training of which was carried out according to the state order, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 25 December 1997 No. 367) Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated December 25, 1997 No. 367 established the procedure for employment of graduates of medical universities, the training of which was carried out by state order. According to this order, graduates were obliged to undergo post-graduate practice in the territory of Ukraine. However, in recent years, this order has undergone changes. In particular, at the beginning of 2022, the mandatory post-graduate internship for graduates of medical universities whose training was carried out by state order was removed.

Legal, economic, cultural features of Ukrainians

Exemption of graduates of medical universities from compulsory practice has important legal significance, as it ensures their right to freely choose a place of work and protection from coercive actions by the state. In addition, it contributes to the development of the country’s economy, since graduates of medical universities, who do not have mandatory practice, can freely choose a place of work and develop their professional skills.

Ukrainian culture also has an impact on the understanding of this topic. Ukrainian families usually have high standards for education and careers, and graduates of medical universities are no exception. However, mandatory practice can
become an obstacle to their development, especially if the practice is carried out in conditions that do not meet the standards approved by the legislation.

For example, if a young doctor is forced to practice in a rural area, where he does not have decent housing and access to the necessary means of developing professional skills, this can lead to a loss of motivation and a decrease in the quality of his work. Such circumstances can affect the future career of a young specialist, as well as affect the quality of medical care that patients receive.

Four funny judicial examples from the lives of clients

Sometimes life can give us unexpected plots, even when it comes to legal matters. One of such examples can be funny court cases related to the employment of graduates of medical universities. Although these cases may seem somewhat humorous, they are also important for understanding the issue of exempting medical university graduates from mandatory internship.

One such example is a court case in which a graduate of a medical university requested exemption from mandatory practice because he was allergic to drugs that are commonly used during practice. Although the requirement may seem a bit far-fetched, this case demonstrates that mandatory practice may be impractical or even dangerous for some medical school graduates.

Another amusing example is a court case in which a graduate of a medical university sought exemption from mandatory practice because he had a large collection of precious glass eyes that he did not want to risk losing during practice. Although this example may seem somewhat far-fetched, it demonstrates that mandatory practice may have certain limitations or negative consequences for some medical school graduates.

These funny examples demonstrate that mandatory practice can have various limitations and negative consequences for some graduates of medical universities. According to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, graduates of medical universities, the training of which was carried out according to the state order, must necessarily undergo post-graduate practice in order to obtain permission to practice their profession.

However, in some cases, mandatory practice may be impractical or even dangerous for graduates of medical universities. For example, if a student has serious allergic reactions to drugs used during practice, compulsory practice may be dangerous for his health and life. Also, if practice is carried out in conditions that do not meet the standards and requirements of the law, it may be inappropriate for the professional development of the graduate and negatively affect the quality of medical care that patients receive.

So, funny examples from life can help to understand the importance of exempting medical university graduates from mandatory practice in certain cases when the practice may be dangerous or inappropriate for the graduate. Such cases should be considered individually, taking into account the characteristics and needs of the graduate, ensuring the protection of his rights and interests.

During the war in Ukraine: Exemption of medical university graduates from compulsory training

In During the war in Ukraine, the issue of exempting graduates of medical universities from compulsory practice became particularly relevant. Many graduates of medical universities had the desire to go to the front line and help wounded soldiers, but did not have the opportunity to undergo post-graduate practice due to military operations.

In order to ensure the possibility for graduates of medical universities to join the military medical units, a number of laws and regulations were adopted, which provided for the exemption of graduates of medical universities from passing mandatory practice.

In particular, in 2014, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On providing medical care in the area of anti-terrorist operations” was adopted. This resolution provided for the exemption of graduates of medical universities from compulsory practice and giving them the opportunity to help wounded soldiers in the anti-terrorist operation zone.

In addition, in 2015, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Providing Support for Servicemen and Their Family Members” was adopted. This law provided for the exemption of graduates of medical universities from post-graduate practice during the anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine and recognized the training of medical specialists as a priority area of national security and defense.

Also, in 2016, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the list of categories of specialists who have the right to be exempted from post-graduate training (internship) and obtaining additional specialization” was adopted. According to this resolution, the category of specialists who have the right to be exempted from postgraduate training includes medical specialists who participate in hostilities or provide medical assistance to soldiers on the front lines.

These legislative acts and resolutions provided an opportunity to exempt medical university graduates from mandatory post-graduate practice during the war in Ukraine. This provided an opportunity for young medical professionals to go to the front line and help wounded soldiers, providing them with medical care and saving lives.

Therefore, the exemption of graduates of medical universities from mandatory post-graduate practice is an important mechanism for ensuring the opportunity for young medical specialists to help wounded soldiers during the war in Ukraine. Legislative acts and resolutions provide an opportunity to exempt medical university graduates from compulsory practice in individual cases

However, it should be noted that exempting medical university graduates from mandatory post-graduate practice may have negative consequences for the specialist himself and for the medical system as a whole.

For example, a graduate who did not complete a mandatory internship may have less practical training and experience working with real patients. This may lead to less efficiency and quality of medical care that he is able to provide in the future.

In addition, the exemption of medical university graduates from mandatory post-graduate practice may cause a shortage of medical staff in some medical institutions and industries. This can lead to overburdening of existing health workers and a decrease in the quality of health care as a whole.

Therefore, the exemption of graduates of medical universities from compulsory post-graduate practice has its pros and cons. In any case, before deviating from mandatory practice, one must carefully consider all the consequences and advantages of this decision, as well as take into account the specific circumstances and needs of the medical system as a whole.

Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” is a law firm that provides legal consulting services, support and protection of the rights and interests of its clients. Its specialists have extensive experience in the field of medical law and providing legal services to medical institutions and specialists.

By applying to Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos”, graduates of medical universities can receive qualified legal assistance and advice on their rights and obligations in the context of exemption from compulsory postgraduate practice.

In addition, Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” provides services for the preparation of the necessary documents and appeals to the competent authorities, which can help in solving questions regarding the exemption from compulsory practice.

It is important to note that all services provided by Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” are confidential and are provided with respect for the client’s rights and interests.

Therefore, graduates of medical universities who are in a difficult situation and need legal support regarding the exemption from compulsory post-graduate practice can turn to Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” for help. Such services can help resolve issues regarding exemption from postgraduate practice and ensure the protection of the rights and interests of young medical professionals.

It is important to note that Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” provides services remotely, which ensures the convenience and efficiency of interaction with clients who can receive advice and support from anywhere in the world.

Therefore, the exemption of medical university graduates from compulsory post-graduate practice is a complex and responsible issue that requires careful attention and professional support. Contacting Despacho Internacional “Intereses legítimos” can help graduates find a solution to this difficult situation and ensure their successful career in the medical field.

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